Sunday, 12 September 2010

TUC Congress - what's happening?

The TUC Congress is meeting in Manchester this year, at the Manchester Central Convention Complex (former GMEX) from 13 to 16 September.
As expected, there are lots of fringe meetings. Here are some of the more significant ones:
1) Keep Trade Unions in Politics
Monday 13 September - 12.30 pm at Friends Meeting House, Manchester
Speakers include: 
John McDonnell MP, Chair Labour Representation Committee
Joe Marino, Gen Sec, Bakers and Allied Food Workers Union
Maria Exall, CWU Executive / LRC vice-chair
John McInally, PCS vice-president
Marsha Jane Thompson, Chair, Unison United Left
2) The Poor Can't Pay
National Unemployed Centres Combine
Monday 13 September, Room 6, Manchester Central, 5.30pm
Speakers include:
Mark Serwotka, PCS
John Stewart, Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed
Chair: Kevin Flynn, NUCC
3) Morning Star Fringe - Con-Dem cuts - the trade union response
Tuesday 14 September, 12:30pm, Premier Inn, Bishopsgate (opposite Manchester Central)
Speakers include:
Unite joint general secretaries Derek Simpson and Tony Woodley, 
Keith Sonnett, Unison
Bob Crow, RMT
Mary Turner, GMB
Mark Serwotka, PCS
Steve Gillan,POA
TUC Gold Badge winner Mary Davis
Morning Star political editor, John Haylett
Chair: Carolyn Jones, IER
4) TUSDAC/Climate Solidarity Project - Cutting Carbon not Jobs!
Tuesday 14 September, 12.30-2pm, Room 4, Manchester Central
Chair: Nigel Costley, Regional Secretary, South West TUC
Paul Noon, Prospect General Secretary/TUC General Council and TUSDAC Co-Chair
Tim Baster, Director, Climate Solidarity;
Sarah Pearce, TUC Greenworkplaces Project Leader
Clara Paillard, PCS Branch Secretary, National Museums Liverpool
5) GMATUC and MTUC fringe meeting - Defend Public Services, Prevent Privatisation
Tuesday 14 September, 5.30pm, Friends Meeting House
Speakers include:
Christine Blower, Gen Sec, NUT
Billy Hayes, Gen Sec CWU,
Mark Serwotka, Gen Sec, PCS
Matt Wrack, Gen Sec, FBU
6) National Shop Stewards Network Fringe Meeting
Wednesday, 15 September, 5.30pm,  Friends Meeting House
Speakers include Bob Crow, RMT Gen Sec
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